Pimples:  Try Not to Pop Them

Everybody gets pimples, but the worst thing to do is pop them. Popping zits can leave scarring, redness, or cause swelling. When you pop a pimple, you are just pushing the infection back into the skin, and really making it a lot worse. Be kind to your skin and no matter how embarrassing it may be, don’t pop your pimples.

Acne Treatment:  Know Your Skin Type

Try to avoid using oil-based cosmetic products if your skin is prone to acne. The oil in heavy oil-based moisturizers or foundations can block pores leading to the formation of whiteheads, blackheads and pimples.  Oil-based products can also provide a good environment for bacteria to breed on your skin which could result in an acne outbreak.

To prevent the spread of an acne breakout, do not pick or pop your pimples.  Although it is tempting to try and pop a zit that has appeared on your face, doing so is the easiest way to spread bacteria from that pimple onto the rest of your face – causing a larger breakout.

Acne – Keep it From Spreading

A helpful technique for battling acne is to make a conscious effort to keep your hands away from all areas of the face. Excessive touching of the facial area can disperse acne-causing bacteria across the surface of the skin, and can serve to further exacerbate existing inflammation. It is never wise to intentionally burst pimples with your fingertips, because scars are likely to result.

The makeup that you put your face can be a cause for breaking out. If makeup is too old, it can clog your pores and cause you to get pimples on your face. Makeup should not be used if older then six months or if it smells or looks different from the day you bought it.

Facial Mask:   Egg Whites Anyone?

Make a mask of egg whites. Egg whites have been known to prevent acne in some instances. Try making a facial mask out of egg whites. Leave it on for fifteen to twenty minutes before washing it off. Alternatively, you can apply egg whites directly to pimples. This will often greatly reduce redness and swelling.

Resist the temptation to pop your acne pimples. While it may seem like an easy way to get rid of the pimple, you can spread the bacteria to other areas of your face, causing even more breakouts.  Also, by breaking the skin’s surface in this way, you may develop scarring.

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