At Healthy Kids, we provide useful information on the following topics:
Infant Health, Baby Sleeping Habits, Baby Illness, Toddler Sleep, Toddler Reading, Teen Issues, Teen Weight, Teen Obesity, Kids Exercise, Meal Prep, Edible Herbs, Kids Vitamins, Yoga for Kids, Martial arts, Alternative Medicine Therapy, Kids Online Safety, Kids Diet, Kids Education/Things You Need for College, HOMESCHOOLING, Healthy Eating Guides (Large section), Kids Lifestyle, Scrapbooking, Aspergers/Autism, Healthy Habits, Current Health Issues, Maternity Health and Quality Family Time.
Our healthy eating guides section is quite comprehensive, as is Meal Prep & Nutritional Healing. This covers such issues as eating on the go, eating at airports, eating habits at college, and more. Speaking of college, we have two posts on things you need for college AND What to Bring for College. These resources are useful when it’s time for your child to leave the nest.
Additionally, we have a section devoted to exercise and kids workouts; we also have Teen Weight, as well as Teen Obesity. Since the issue of obesity has become more of a problem for kids in the US, we’ve included this topic extensively. We also have a special PAGE on Child Obesity, if you’d like to visit that.
TIP: If you can manage to influence your kids early as to eating healthy, it’s obviously something that will stay with them as they grow into adults.
Nutritional healing is also a topic of importance these days; I included it since it can be a very helpful topic for older kids and teens to grasp. Then, when they are away from home and get a stomach ache or some other minor ailment, they’ll know how to cope with it properly.
More Fun Topics at HealthyKids
We have Kids Lifestyle topics, martial arts for kids, scrapbooking, yoga for kids, and kids sleep. Plus we have a section entitled Restful Sleep, which is for the older children and teenagers. Then too, we have the sub-topic of Toddler Sleep issues, as well as baby sleep requirements.
Homeschooling: More Choices and Possibilities
Another topic of importance is homeschooling, and we have more than a couple of sections devoted to this subject; we have homeschooling requirements, homeschooling a preschooler, plus Homeschooling Teens. We delve into this subject extensively, because it is a topic of vital import today; more and more, americans are choosing to school their kids at home. And with the violence in schools, it is understandable.
Then too, many parents opt for homeschooling because of the intimacy factor; it offers a parent the chance to really get to know his or her child. Many parents are appreciative of this opportunity, for they realize that all too quickly, their child matures and leaves the nest.
Many parents also appreciate the independence which the home schooling option affords them. With home schooling, the parents have much more freedom, and say-so, into exactly what their children will learn, and are able to decide on precisely what learning approach will be optimal for their children.
Kids Lifestyle: Healthy Habits
At HealthyKids, I felt it worthwhile to discuss healthy habits and Unhealthy Habits – since both of these are part of the equation – that is, in order for kids to feel content, and at peace with themselves, they need balance. You should be the leader. So, if you’re ready to put some study hours into it, we have the resources for you.
You may want to look at the Scrapbooking section – this is such a fun Family Activity, and you’ll have a record forever !
In some cases, the child needs to rid himself of a bad habit that is hampering things. For instance, staying up too late at night to study.
If your child gets into this bad habit, it may be difficult to break. It depends on the individual; you may have to assist your child. Help him (or her) develop good work habits, and this will ease some of the pressure when it comes time for college and big-time studying. Also, since rest is a big part of having good health, breaking this bad habit will likely contribute to ongoing good health.
Kids Lifestyle: Poor Sleep Habits?
We have a particular section called restful sleep which can aid your teenaged child in re-developing good sleeping habits; for instance, altering the sleep environment to one more conducive to rest and relaxation can help out. A white noise machine, calm music, not eating or working out close to bedtime can all have a positive influence. There are other things for sleep assistance, as well, which you can find at our website. Visit the Restful Sleep section.
Your teen might decide he or she would like to paint the bedroom a shade of lavender, too. Or get into the habit of meditating; encourage your teen’s ideas, as your child has the right to be independent and come up with good ideas.
7 Habits of Healthy Kids
We touch on the subject of the famous “7 Habits of Healthy Kids” as it is quite a useful resource; you can go a long way to assist your children to be happier and healthier. Topics within this book are:
Work before play
Listen before speaking
Everyone can win
Having a plan
Kids Lifestyle: Too Often Bored
Another bad habit which plagues children and teens is the tendency to be too easily bored. Kids might feel that mother is supposed to entertain them; or that they are automatically entitled to technological gadgets, cell phones, and cars. However, they should learn that these things are not a right, rather they are a privilege. And kids need to get creative, and learn to solve their own problems themselves – this includes boredom. This is one of the things that is covered in the book, “7 Habits of Healthy Kids”. It is really a good, and useful book. So I recommend it to your family.
HOMESCHOOLING: Freedom and Independence
Also, please consider homeschooling . We have some big sections on this subject – we have Homeschooling, Homeschooling requirements, Homeschooling a Preschooler, and Homeschooling Field Trips too. If you homeschool, you’ll have more time to shape your children, and help them in some of the key areas of concern. Plus, there are so many homeschooling support groups and organizations these days, you cannot fail to get help when needed.
I think I have given you many ideas and inspirations here, so that you can have healthy kids – kids who will be happy, challenged, and fulfilled. And you’ll find more ideas at the HealthyKids website.
Healthy Kids have healthy habits –
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HealthyKids Staff
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