Here are some helpful links on Kids Sleep. There is one on

toddler sleeping problems

as well as several on baby sleeping habits.  Lastly, I’ve listed some external resources for you which contains info on common sleep disorders, as well as charts & Tips (Click the last one under “External Resources” for the Chart )

  1. Baby Sleeping Habits
  2. Baby SLEEP Habits:  Daytime Napping for 1 Mo. old, 2 Mo. old  &  3 Mo. old
  3. Infant Health:  Your Baby’s Viewpoint
  4. Parent’s Emotion: Baby Crying Makes Me Angry
  5. Toddler Sleeping Problems
  6. Kids Sleep:  Choosing a Child’s Bed
  7. A  Bright Idea:
    White-Noise Machine Reviews

    Infant Sleep and Toddler Sleeping Problems: White-Noise Machine Reviews

    Idea:  White Noise Machine

A baby can be very susceptible to a variety of noises.  Due to the fact an infants skull is thinner, noise can be hazardous for them, and can damage their hearing according to the Women’s and Children’s Health Network (see reference at bottom of the page) .

In fact, the baby’s inner ear could be harmed when exposed to loud noises.  “Prolonged or sudden exposure to loud noises can damage parts of the inner ear — the area responsible for hearing — such as the outer hair cells, inner hair cells and nerves in the inner ear.”

One thing you could utilize, for your infant, are noise-cancelling headphones – that is, if you live in an area where loud noises occur frequently – such as New York.

If the neighbor hood you are in has a milder noise level, but interferes with your infant getting a nap, then you perhaps could get a white noise machine.   They are so very soothing.  Here’s an example of a baby being calmed down by the white noise of a vacuum machine (good little demonstration of the calming effect) –

Be Careful with Toys:  Why?

You may not realize it, yet some toys can inflict as much as 120 decibels of exposure to your infant – and when your son or daughter holds the toy close to his head, the child receives unwanted exposure – it is akin to a  jet plane taking off.  This is according to the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association.  So bear that in mind.

Toys such as talking dolls, toys with sirens, or crank toys (or wind up toys) should be listened to first, before purchase.

Tips to Protect Your Sweet Baby:

  • Reduce the level of your stereo, tv, or computer
  • Keep baby away from instruments, or objects, with LOUD sound
  • Use Noise-cancelling headphones, or a sound machine at naptime


External Resources:

Sleep for Kids:  Information on Kids Sleep Disorders/Myths/Tips (from

Sleep for Kids: Common Sleep Disorders Linked to ADHD

Sleep for Kids:  SLEEP Tips for Newborns/Babies/Toddlers/Pre-schoolers/School-age Children


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