Available to supplement classroom learning and help children achieve higher grades are Spectrum workbooks, a series that allows young learners to reinforce subjects they are learning in school.

Spectrum workbooks follow current teaching methodology and subject standards, according to editors at School Specialty Publishing. The books are written by educational experts in various subject areas. They are ideal for students who need to extend their learning in a specific subject.

This series covers nine subjects ranging from reading to test preparation. There are over 100 Spectrum titles in all for children Pre-K through eighth grade, each book cover distinguished by a starburst icon.

Spectrum’s instructional design offers young learners a smooth transition between each exercise and activity that is age appropriate, along with illustrations, graphs, diagrams and charts that visually support the concepts being taught. Assessments are included to track student progress, and each workbook has easy-to-understand directions and an answer key.

In the third grade reading workbook, for example, each lesson features an illustrated story followed by exercises that test comprehension. This allows students to get the practice they need in essential reading skills.

The reading workbook is a perfect supplement to a traditional school basal reading program since it combines activities that reinforce skills in phonemic awareness, phonics, word recognition and reading comprehension with a proven method for developing reading proficiency.

Spectrum has recently celebrated its 10th birthday and its sales have exceeded 15 million copies. These exceptional additions to home and classroom instructions sell for about 10 dollars in bookstores and teacher stores.

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