Preparing for Life with a Newborn
Preparing for motherhood is a monumental task. The excitement and anticipation can be overwhelming, and some women may feel like they don’t know where to start in making preparations for the baby. But there are some things you can do to make those first few weeks run a little more smoothly.
Think about what room or space you’d like to turn into a nursery and make sure that space is prepared. In addition to having the primary sleeping space ready, it’s wise to have a secondary space just in case the baby is a finicky sleeper. If the baby will sleep in a crib or basinette, make sure that it is properly assembled and that the crib mattress is at the highest setting. Put clean sheets on the mattress.
Babies should not sleep with pillows, blankets or stuffed animals; all of these present suffocation hazards, so make sure the bed is clear of them. Prepare your nursery with other essentials like baby clothing and diapers and wipes.
Another important thing to prepare ahead of time is the hospital bag. The baby will need very little as the hospital will provide diapers, shirts, receiving blankets, pacifiers and anything else the will baby need in its first few days of life. Make sure your bag is packed with several pairs of soft-waist comfortable pants, nursing bras along with comfortable tops that will be easy to nurse in, toiletries, and of course, the camera! Other things you may want to bring are hair accessories to keep your hair out of your face, chapstick, and healthy snacks.
It’s also imperative that you have a car seat installed before heading to the hospital. Many police and fire departments will perform seat safety checks; it’s a good idea to have the installation checked by professionals. In addition, cooking and freezing casseroles ahead of time can provide a fast, easy, healthy dinner in those first few weeks of being a mom. Another way many expecting parents are planning for a future with a baby is by using cord blood banking services. Cord blood is collected after birth and stored as a potential medical resource for the baby or maybe a sibling down the road.
Preparing ahead of time can help ease a pregnant woman’s mind. So much of labor, delivery and motherhood is unpredictable, but making preparations can help anyone feel ready for the big day.
– Katie Moore
Healthy Living for a Longer Life
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