Chapter 1: Introduction

The Glycemic Index is an important tool for diabetics to use so they can monitor their health, and eat properly. Pre-diabetics can also benefit. In this report, we will analyze the way that the Glycemic Index is calculated and how you can adhere to its guidelines, in order to live a healthier, happier life. It will show that it is relatively easy to follow the Glycemic Index, and that the benefits of following the Index are numerous.

If you monitor your diet, and keep a close watch on what you eat, you’ll find that it is not too difficult to lose weight, after all.  You can lower your overall risk of developing diabetes, and your cholesterol, to boot. The Glycemic Index is linked directly to the sugars in foods and how they are absorbed.

The Index measures carbohydrates, which are made up of simple or complex sugar molecules. The Glycemic Index then ranks the effects these foods have on our systems. You will see that by understanding these effects and adhering to some simple guidelines, you will be able to recognize foods by the Glycemic Index — and make better food choices.

You will see that many carbohydrates are advantageous, and you will not be forced to avoid the carbohydrates, after all – – which a number of diets tell you. Carbohydrates are not the enemy. They simply have to be properly understood!

This report will go into depth to explain how high and low blood sugar levels affects your health, and your feelings of well being. You will understand the direct link between the Glycemic Index, and controlling diabetes – or even substantially reducing the risk of becoming a diabetic. Also included in this report is a handy table of many common foods and their Glycemic Index rating, along with easy-to-follow recommendations, to take full advantage of the best food choices.

Once you’ve read this report and truly digested what the Glycemic Index is all about and what specifically applies to you, then you can make the optimum choices for your specific situation.  You will take control of your life and your health, and be the happier for it.      



Chapter 2: What is the Glycemic Index?

The Glycemic Index is a rating system for foods where any type of carbohydrate has a numerical value assigned to it based on its components and how each food affects the body’s sugar levels.

Dr. David Jenkins, a Canadian professor and scientist from the University of Toronto developed the concept of a rating index in March of 1981. He felt that a better system needed to be developed due to the popularity of certain diets like Atkins and South Beach that vilified all carbohydrates and many fats. He wanted to show that it was too oversimplified to categorize carbohydrates as “simple” and “complex” or even worse, as “good carbs” and “bad carbs”. Most carbohydrates are too complex to label them in this manner.

He wanted to show the scientific community and thereby, the world that all foods affect our bodies’ blood sugar levels differently and that they have many different degrees of being simple and complex, good or bad.

Basically, as food breaks down in our digestive system, many of the food’s components, like sugar or vitamins and minerals are absorbed into our blood stream and immediately affect our system. Foods that break down quickly and have high glucose or sugar levels will give us a “spiked” feeling of energy and euphoria. This feeling is commonly referred to as a “sugar high”. Other foods break down more slowly and release their sugars, starches and nutrients over a longer period of time, which avoids any sudden increases to our sugar levels and keeps our insulin levels low. Later in this report, we will explain exactly what glucose and insulin are and how they affect our bodies and our health.

Dr. Jenkins proved that many carbohydrates were, in fact, very healthy and should not be avoided simply because of the fact that they were carbohydrates. As a matter of fact, he discovered that there are dozens of foods that in the past were categorized as unhealthy, but that turned out to be very beneficial. He also encountered some surprising results on foods that had always been considered “diet” foods, but when tested, he discovered that they tested very high on the Glycemic Index. These surprising results will be uncovered later in this report.

Dr. Jenkins continues to work in the field of dietary science and pushes forward by continually pursuing the link between diet and health. He proceeds in proving the theory that eating certain diets can improve or eliminate the risk of health issues such as cancer, diabetes, and cardiovascular disease as well as other diseases.

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