Autism affects more than 1 million children and adults in the United States, and present a large challenge to parents who are not educated in the subject. They are often distressed by the violent behavior of their autistic children. Hope is available, though, through education – in the following articles I hope to educate.
*Note: At the end of this article, there is a freeebook on the subject of autism . I am providing you with background information, and helpful resources (Blogs, websites, books) so that you may become “illuminated” on this challenging topic. Also, a glossary of terms is located at the end of this page.
Children with special needs are a handful — and require us to become educated and put much into their care and upbringing, yet the can be amazing !
Summary of Content:
What is Autism? You may have seen an autistic adult or child and never knew that the person had a diagnosis. Your ignorance about the disorder is not uncommon because most people who are not experienced with the disorder look at autistic people as those who are mentally retarded or have some learning disability. This is not true ..
Autism Studies Autism is a mystery for most health care professionals. They have found no one clear cause for autism. Upon examination, it has been discovered there are several factors which are in common throughout the research. What is mutually shared is the fact that autistic sufferers have abnormalities in …
Autism and Genetics Right now, genetics seem the only real connection for a cause and effect in regards to autism. Genetic research is being done right now and the call for research from the National Autistic Society is desperate. They are willing to look at any research in the realm of genetics and autism, and will help correlate future research with what they have in their archives now. There are some promising breakthroughs, but…
Symptoms of Autism The symptoms of autism are hard to define because each autistic child is unique in their own way. Not only are the symptoms individualized but the severity of the disorder also differs from child to child. One child might have mild autism and be able to function normally at home or in the classroom. The only difference you might see is…
Autism Language Autism affects the speech and communication to some degree of all autistic people. The communication varies and is usually contributed to the actual mental part of the brain to translate the communication and what social development the child has had. If parents of an autistic child learn and practice methods that encourage the full use of the communication skills that the child has, then the child will develop…
Autism Communication Now we have uncovered the fact that autism can cause havoc with verbal speech patterns, and the communication between the brain and the way speech is produced, we should now examine how autism affects body language. Body language is the second form of communication that…
Heavy Metals and Vaccines In this world we live in today, there can be many threats to our children’s health. There are environmental hazards, which threaten to harm. And even our own medical doctors are not to be blindly trusted..
Though some research disclaims that autism can spring from the use of vaccines, doctors belonging to the American Academy of Pediatrics have found… The Cause of Autism About ninety out of every ten thousand persons born in the United States will have a diagnosis of autism before they are three years old. Boys will have a significantly higher chance of contracting these horrible disorders than will girls. The causes of autism…
Research on Autism Autism has increased 172% in the 1990s. Why? This disorder that impairs language and impedes social skills is becoming a rising phenomena that is affecting thousands of children, mainly males, in the United States and the world. The autistic child is characterized by repetitive movements, obsessive desires, lack of eye contact, and ..
Treatment for Autism There have been stories and tales of a cure or magical treatment for autism. These claims are not true. They set up the hopes and dreams of both parents and teachers alike, only for them to become disenchanted in the end. There has only been one …
Autistic Diagnosis The autistic diagnosis is an enigma; it is different from other diagnoses. It may take a physician years of research to finally gather the proper evidence in order for an autistic diagnosis to take place. Parents, generally speaking, suspect long before the diagnosis is ..
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