Holistic Healthcare: Going Green

Hey why not, isn’t everything going green? If you are at all particular about your body and keeping it fine-tuned, you may want to take a close look at the holistic healthcare approach.

Author:O2 MAX

We Should Care For Our Kids Sake: Go Green

So , what’s meant by “green”? Well, in case you have not noticed, going “green” is the current movement. It’s a focus on minimizing negative impact on the environment. An example is the movement to replace the burning of fossil fuels with cleaner technology like solar and wind.  And you most likely have heard how this company and that, even Walmart, is “going green”.

So, how does “green” apply to healthcare? Easily, in fact it’s long overdue. There are many reports every year about medical wastes like used syringes washing up on beaches, there are potentially dangerous drugs like anti-biotic residues and human hormones like estrogen being discovered in most water supplies (expelled in human waste) — and just think about the tons and tons of toxins that are produced by the pharmaceutical industries . Kind of scary isn’t it?

Thankfully, this destruction of our environment can be greatly decreased by a few simple lifestyle changes.

Here are the top 3 healthcare changes you and I can make to protect this world for our future generations:

1) Seek holistic healthcare  providers. The benefits and safety are well known. The impact on the environment is miniscule compared to taking the conventional medical route. Just think about it – every time a patient gets better using holistic care, then there are less drugs used, less medical waste, etc. And generally it’s all done more economically!

A shining example of environmentally friendly, green health care is chiropractic, which aims to release one’s very own natural healing ability. chiropractors do this by analyzing a patient’s spine for mis-alignments that are causing nerve irritation/pinching (subluxation).  They then make an adjustment manually or a small instrument. Free flowing mental impulses through the nervous system are vital for optimum health. How’s that for clean work? It’s a natural!

On my website, I offer a free report called How to Check Yourself and Your Family for Spinal Structural Misalignments.

2) Use organic food. Much harm to the environment occurs from herbicide, pesticide, and fertilizer applications to farm land. Most livestock producers routinely add drugs like anti-biotics and hormones to their herds water and food. Buy organic to avoid that. Besides it tastes better and it’s likely more nutrient laden. Yes, the organic varieties will cost more, but in the long-haul, in the cost to the environment, it doesn’t really cost it pays! At least seek to buy organic varieties of the top ten most chemically treated produce items. Here they are: apples, peppers, celery, cherries, grapes, nectarines, peaches, pears, potatoes, raspberries, spinach, and strawberries. The food corporations and farmers will eventually respond to the demands of the consumers.

Find and visit your local farmer’s market. Ask how the food is grown. Better yet, consider growing some yourself!

3) Take more personal responsibility for your own health. Besides eating organically and using holistic healthcare providers like chiropractors, understand that you are more than just physical. You are also emotional, mental and spiritual. This means you’ve got to take care of your “whole” self for optimum wellness.   Doing so will decrease your need for pharmaceuticals and other conventional medicine. It’s easier than you think once you learn how, and that’s why I published the book Whole Health Healing: The Budget Friendly Natural Wellness Bible for All Ages. It has 364 pages of easy to implement ideas, all aimed at your self-care. We need more self-care not more health care!

Finally, share your enlightenment about the need and benefit of green health care. Many people don’t know that there are affordable, safe, and effective alternatives to most drugs with the exception of emergency or life-threatening situations. Set a good example for your children by using holistic health care practitioners, eating organic foods, and taking excellent care of yourself. Industries notice when people vote with their feet, and they will respond to the wants and needs of consumers.

Society must sample the

holistic healthcare

approach! It’s a responsible way to care for your personal health.

More on Alternative Medicine Methods

More HealthyKids Health Info:  Fat Burning Furnace: Weight Loss Method

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