Chapter 1 – What Is Autism –
You may have seen an autistic adult or child and never knew that the person had a diagnosis. Your ignorance about the disorder is not uncommon because most people who are not experienced with the disorder look at autistic people as those who are mentally retarded or have some learning disability. This is not uncommon because most people who are not experienced with the disorder look at autistic people as those who are mentally retarded or have some learning disability. This is not true.
is a very complicated disorder that affects children typically from the age of three to conception. The disorder is neurological in nature and primarily affects the areas of the brain where communication and social interaction is developed. To the unsuspecting person, the autistic child or adult would be considered mentally unstable or retarded.
The unique thing about Temple Grandin on Autism and Aspergers
and the reason it is sometimes hard to detect, is that the disorder affects different sufferers to different degrees. A mildly affected child may be able to communicate their wants and needs, but their communication is often stifled and they do not understand the subtleties and complexities of the English language. Sometimes humor, irony, and other nuances of the language will present a difficult or impassible barrier to the child’s communication process. Another autistic sufferer may have severe autism, whereupon the particular child or adult cannot communicate at all. The sad thing about this is that the autistic person can think about and envision what they want to say and how to communicate it, yet the words do not come out; their silence simply appears on the outside.
Can you imagine trying to communicate with your teacher or parent and the words won’t come out? You know the answer to the question and you know how to do the task, but the communication and the rest of your body just doesn’t come out. That is why it is difficult for both teachers and parents to understand what autism is and how to deal with it. The child cannot even communicate his wants and needs during play. A simple act of digging with a sand shovel can be an awkward movement or grunt that would be totally misunderstood by the other child.
Autistic children
react differently to normal situations than other kids. Loud noises, or a deviation from schedule, or a change in time schedule can stir up an autistic child. The acts of an autistic child could be misinterpreted as a behavior disorder or an emotional disorder. Simple communication is not there. If an
autistic child
is hot, it has been reported that some will strip off their clothing in public and run around. The communication is there. They are uncomfortable. It is cooler when I am naked. Therefore I will be naked and be cool. Again, the communication is there, but the socially accepted communication in which we communicate is not.
According to statistics, almost four million children will be born with autism in the next decade. The diagnoses of autistic children are becoming more refined, but think about the number of children misdiagnosed in the past where there learning and life skill accommodations were not met by professionals. Autism is a tragic disorder and many parents should be given kudos for the extra time and energy it takes to raise an
autistic child
In this e-book you will learn the characteristics of autism, its symptoms, treatments, and learning strategies that will help both you and your child. Though the definition of autism is still sketchy for health care professionals and psychologists, you will learn more about autism and have a more definitive approach when dealing with autism as a teacher, parent, or someone who works with these special people.
You don’t have to be a psychologist to gain an understanding of your aspergers child.