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children of teenage parents
Newborn Care, Bathing – Newborn Games, and Diet. This is a fantastic time for you and your baby – the start of his/her life is a joyous time. Our post today includes tips, and a video showing you how to bathe your newborn babe.
Healthy Eating Guide – For Your Heart’s Sake there are things to consider, to improve your health. Bad cholesterol is a thing which you may control, if you’ve the iron will to do it. Refer to the link above for a good post on the subject.
predator proana sites
Are a concern. The web can be a place where many persons leave reality, and sort of dive into a protective fantasy world (or so they think). Care should be taken, though. Most parents would assume that identity theft and on-line predators are the only threat; however, there are others such as “proana sites” which encourage fasting, and other potentially dangerous practices. Read the article