Today’s topic is homeschooling. We will explore issues such as:
- Homeschooling Benefits
- Is Homeschooling Legal?
- Public Schooling vs Homeschooling – You Provide the Structure
- Homeschooling a Preschooler – Is it Good to Start Early?
- Homeschooling Curriculum Preschool: Ideas
- Homeschooling Field Trips: Ideas
- Homeschool Support Groups (By State Listing)
Note that in Number 5 above, “homeschooling curriculum Preschool“, the listed link will cover science, literature, history, music, math and art. Quite informative.
First of all, you must be aware of your state’s laws. Check this out first, even before making an outline or a simple plan. You need to know what homeschooling records you must keep, and also whether you need to do a homeschooling portfolio which records the child’s educational progress. For info on homeschooling record keeping, go visit This is a comprehensive site which provides tips on free printable forms, recordkeeping systems, scheduling forms, and portfolios.
*Note: Homeschool solutions software will make the job much easier.
Certain states will stipulate that a homeschooling teacher or parent should meet minimum qualifications to educate his/her child.
You need to find out. Here is an excellent resource on state home school subject requirements ( Step by Step). This will lead you through the exact steps, and give you the website you need to visit. *Public Schools vs Homeschooling: The Debate –>Go HERE
For a book on homeschooling, there are good ideas in “The Ultimate Book of Homeschooling Ideas: 500+ Fun Ideas for Kids Age 3 to 12”
Okay, next you need to put some thought into the amount of time (per day) you will spend educating. Fifty minutes is considered by many to be equivalent to one educational hour, and 7 hours a day should normally be spent homeschooling – though with a preschooler, you will have to amend that due to their attention span.
Producing a well-adjusted, well rounded human being is no easy feat. It can be very rewarding, however; and you are taking the first step now, in homeschooling your preschooler. There are many homeschool support groups, which is important — since well-meaning friends will give their opinions, and confuse you or provoke doubts.
You will want to keep your youngsters attention throughout the day, so break the day up. A neat resource I found, which uses the internet, is “click schooling” – 1 Fun, Free, Web-Based Curriculum Idea Each Day is provided to you. *This will help with ideas, & will provide some fun!
As to basics, such as length of school year – visit Here
Your State’s Requirements: Investigate HERE
Further Resources: Homeschooling: Kindergarten and Homeschool Support Groups
Homeschooling in the News as well as Homeschooling Portfolio Assessment (Tip –> Start on Paragraph 3)
- Free Homeschooling Resources: Bright Kids at Home & Budget Homeschooling
- Activated Storytelling: At Your Local Library –> Investigate Field Trips Here
- CLICK SCHOOLING: Daily Curriculum and Content
- Authority Site on Homeschooling: AtoZ Homeschool
- 6 Steps to Smarter Studying
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