Home Schooling: From the Parents Viewpoint – Sticking Points
It is natural that parents would be thrilled as their kids begin the first year of home schooling.
It is all so new, and parents are enjoying seeing their preschoolers (age 3 to 5) play with blocks & legos, do colorful drawings, do flashcards and more. Yet is there something to be careful of ?
Homeschool Parents Have a Responsibility: Home School Record Keeping
It is so important to track your children’s progress, and not let planning “fall by the wayside”. Sure, it’s natural, as you begin, to have some excitement. But during that first year home schooling, you ought to begin to order some books, materials, & home schooling resources so that you’ll be able to track your loved one’s progress.
Do You Know How to Plan a School Year?
It will be essential to track your kids progress over the long haul. A good way is by using a home school calendar – you could have one strictly for school learning and homeschool progress, and another one for Family chores, grocery lists, activities, birthdays, events, babysitters numbers, sports etc.
There is Amy Knapp’s Big Grid Organizer. It is pretty large, and reviewers of the product say it has lots of room for writing and making schedule notes. Should you wish to read specs on this Big Grid organizer, visit the link in this sentence.
Benefits of Homeschool Printable Forms
The home school approach does aid parents in being with their kids during the formative years of learning, of course. Yet the parent responsible for the home school needs to be exceedingly organized. There are tools to help you do this. But first it’s best to get an overview (just as you would have in your Homeschooling environment, when you’re teaching) .
Home School Resources: Some Suggestions
You can use prinouts & homeschool printable forms from different Home School sites, such as Donna Young Lesson plans, free printable resources & calendars from Donna Young, Book Report forms , worksheets (Math, Science, Art, English, Handwriting, History, & Apologia Sciences) plus some recipes too.
Home School Lesson Plan: Have it Jibe with Your Home Schooling Schedule
Once you start to study & research the home schooling resources & homeschool printable forms, you’ll be wowed at how doable this is ! So HAVE Heart – You can easily make your home school lesson plan coincide with the schedule you map out.
One benefit of home schooling is flexibility; if you’ve a doctor’s appointment, for example, you can easily work around it. The schedules don’t have to be so strictly adhered to as you may appreciate. It will be flexible, and dependent on the availability of each child, or family member.
Home Schooling: Make It Count !
Your kids are counting on you to put in the time & research, and come up with some great ideas for a home schooling field trip, or outing. The homeschool year can be memorable indeed – I would suggest getting some input from your kids. The more interested they are in the subject of the field trip, or jaunt, the more they’ll get from the experience.
One good thing to have planned: as soon as your child returns from the trip, have them put “pen to paper“. Do some sort of book report, or your student could record a video on what they have learned (a videography). And during the museum trip, or outing, take some notes down yrself – so you’ll be informed.
—> You have to take an interest in these field trips, or your child will pick up on it if you seem “bored” <—-
Another benefit in the schedule you are mapping out for the year is the flexibility of it that you can incorporate out of town activities, or even home schooling field trips. And you’ll determine when is the best time to go – perhaps when it’s not so crowded, for example, would be an optimum time to take your child to the museum of Natural History – or the tour to a factory.
Home School Benefits: A Brief List
Here are the other benefits you will enjoy while your child is homeschooled.
* Homeschooling can alleviate the problem of peer pressure and bullying because your child is safe but at the same time learning at his own pace and learning capability.
* Homeschooling is not only for those kids who were labeled with “learning difficulties”. Some children just need a different approach best suited for them.
* As others would have said otherwise, research shows that kids who are homeschooled have better social skills.
* The best is: your child and you interacting. Your child gets your sole attention to himself.
* You are the mother or the father, so who has the best way of educating your child, YOU! You know what is best and his learning styles. You are the best teacher and you can tailor fit your lesson according to his uniqueness.
If you think that the best place to learn the essentials is your home, then homeschooling is for you.
Reference: Donnayoung.org – Example of an Overview for Teaching a class at home and Checklist: Chemistry Lab Experiment
Printable Homeschool:
Lesson plan forms, stationary, book reports, current events for kids, award certificates, report cards, printable dolls, grade books & more
More articles: 5 Advantages of Homeschooling and Homeschooling: Grading Your Child’s Homework
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