Home Schooling Challenges: An Examination
Home schooling is becoming a happy tradition in this nation. With all the advantages
it brings to the table, you can certainly see why – the freedom to teach your own
morals & religious viewpoints to your children. And the ability to organize the classroom
in a way that is most beneficial to your kids.
If you have a child who is physically challenged, for instance, you are able to make
adaptations to the classroom which suit him or her; and likewise, if your child needs
certain supplies (for example, books in larger print or in Braille) you can supply these
and tailor them specifically. And if you’ve a gifted child, you will be able to challenge
your student to the extent you see fit.
Perhaps the flexibility is something which many homeschooling families appreciate –for it
allows them sufficient interaction with their child or children. If you feel there are
many challenges to homeschooling, then you need to explore the details of this topic
more extensively. Then, and only then, will you finally know if you are up to the task of
home schooling your kids.
You will have to go through home school accreditation (check your state’s requirements).
Plus you’ll have the daunting task of preparing your child for college (including doing
practice exams, so that your child will be confident for the college entry exams).
In order to get a head start looking at home schooling resources, make a visit to our other
homeschooling post.
Home Schooling: Grading Homework
Many parents consulted wondered why they should even bother grading their kid’s
homework. I think the best answer is not only so you can see how well your kids are faring
for their age group – but also to have a record, and a reference point. For example, say your
child wants to study “Art History” at some later point, but feels less than confident in the
area of history. Now you can help !
Grading Homework – A Future Point of Reference
You can go back and look over some of his homework assignments, or quizzes/exams, and
demonstrate that he did well on some of his history exams (so while you may have a child
who struggles with his self-esteem, it can be worthwhile to keep these graded homework
assignments, after all).
Now, there are different ways that you can ascertain if your child’s progress in his or her lessons
is substantial. For example, you can:
- Utilize exercises in your child’s workbook
- Administer an online standardized test
- Administer a standard test with a recommendation from a school official
Standardized tests come as subject-specific tests, and testing your kids with these exams can
HELP you discover which subjects need more time and attention
If you have a gifted child, you of course will be doing a lot of testing – as a guide. You will
be pressed to keep up with him, and will be on a constant search for new material. There is an
excellent book to help you out – it is rated 5 stars over at Amazon
The book is “Living with Intensity“
Finding out HOW your kid is faring with respect to his/her Age Group is not the only reason to do tests. Another
is to get the child ready for college – “used to testing”, in other words, and the pressure which accompanies exams.
If you discover that your kids don’t cope well with time pressure, then you can make an effort to work on this during
your homeschooling hours. Make it a priority.
Grading Homework: One More Reason
Another reason is to find out if your children are learning from their mistakes. Then you can be sure that they are
in fact progressing along, and learning. So put in the time grading homework.
Other than the book, Living with Intensity, I urge you to check out the book, “Special Kids Need Special Parents: A Resource for Parents” – it has input from many parents and professionals (not just a “one point of view” book)
Resources: HSLDA: Special Needs Children and Homeschooling for Today’s Children
Copyright Healthy Kids