Early Childhood Development

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Author:a mothers art photography (Gail)

playground love


The Oxford dictionary describes play as to fulfill, to occupy oneself, to have the ability to perform, to undertake or exercise activities for pleasure. These activities are not, however, merely for pleasure.   The child will develop motor skills, yes, but also will develop emotionally as well as socially.  This is very important in

early childhood development

Those with an early childhood education degree, from any of the top online universities, have always known this:

No matter in what country they live, no matter their environment or circumstances, every child must have play. It is vital that a child exercises play; this is in order to express themselves fully, socially and emotionally (and to perform physically).  Play allows itself to be an individual creation, or  be shared with others; it can be pulled in any direction letting it be turned into anything a child would like, preparing a healthy start to a lifetime of learning.  Play is so special that its generosity even includes having fun;  in fact, that is one of the most important things about it.  It gives a child a strong head start in life by exploring in many different directions.

It is the adult’s job to explore the conditions which are best for maximizing the benefits of play for children to develop these social skills. One of the ways to do this is to provide and encourage games that are fun, exciting and positive for children. Cooperative games build many social skills.  These skills allow the child to form strong friendships and family relationships.

Activities that involve interacting with others teach children not only about themselves, but also about other children’s feelings, needs and wants.  And since they have learned to value others’ emotions, they develop skills to handle confrontations and conflicts in the future.

It’s also important for a child to develop physical strengths, along with the social and emotional.  Play has a huge impact in this development for children of varying ages, abilities and interests.  Physical play strengthens a child’s fine motor skills as well as gross motor skills.  Fine motor skills include such things as eye, mouth, wrist, finger and toe movements, whereas motor skills are the exercise of the larger muscle groups like the arms, legs and torso. This motor play provides critical opportunities for kid’s overall strengthening of muscles, nerves and brain stimulation.

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Play involves social, emotional, and physical learning. Included in all these types of learning comes cognitive development, an important result of play.  Through play, children learn to understand the world, interact socially with others, and express and control their emotions. Play provides an opportunity for children to practice newly acquired skills and attempt or challenge tasks; they start to solve complex problems that they would not or could not otherwise do. All these things are needed for a child to get a healthy start in life.  But there is one paragraph missing – perhaps the most important, this one is about fun!  Play and fun are inseparable from each other.  Fun cannot exist without play, and play cannot exist without fun.

Learn more about early childhood play and how essential it is to learning and fine motor skills/coordination.


For Further Reference:  Kids Life Skills: Imagination and Its Role in Early Childhood Dev’t   <– Amazon Book by Vivian Paley – An Irresistable Journey Into the Mind of a Child (4.5 Stars)

Copyright   HealthyKids *Please Note that the Owner of this website makes a small commission from  purchase of the book, “Childs Work: The Importance of Fantasy Play”



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