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Wholesome Kids need balance in their lives.  At this site is a vast array of knowledge to aid parents to help kids achieve a true balance in their lives.   Way of life Topics:  An overview of young children (Infants), Toddler Learning & Reading, Homeschooling Articles, Healthy Eating GUIDES, Childhood Obesity,  Teen Obesity, Teen Weight, Diet plan for Kids, Meal Prep,  Children Vitamins, Kids Martial arts, Kids Yoga & Meditation articles & Scrap Booking

homeschooling field trips

Homeschooling a Preschooler Homeschooling Field Trips Field trips can be fun enjoyable and a provocative experience encounter expertise for your young preschooler The trips can really truly actually genuinely seriously definitely trigger your child’s curiosity

1 month old baby coughing and sleeping a lot

Babies Napping A new baby will need a lot of sleep and also a lot of feedings Babies crying at night could be hungry or could need a new diaper It s It is a

teen weight

Diets are not the way to go when it comes to losing weight.  That is since you get in a rut (Losing & gaining) and you’re really better off to eat raw foods & real foods (lettuce, carrots, bananas, apples, brown rice etc) – Suggest you visit my Healthy Eating Guides page which is a long compilation of Articles

infant health

Infant Health Resources: Herein I have listed some infant pdf’s and resources that I hope will be of support to you . There is an  important baby safety guide at my site that helps forewarn parents of certain DANGERS to an infant

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