Gripe Water For Newborns
Gripe water for newborns
is a cure which offers an immediate relief of wind and gripe. Gripe water for newborns was initially developed in England in 1851, and used by baby sitters as a cure for babies with intestinal colic, trapped winds, reflux and many other tummy issues.
Gripe water for newborns is made from the combination of sodium bicarbonate (baking soda), and herbs such as dill and fennel oils. It is believed that fennel and dill oils help to digest all those big trapped gas bubbles, while the sodium bicarbonate dissolves the acids by neutralising all of them. The relief typically occurs in about 10-20 minutes after the gripe water intake.
Gripe Water for Newborns
Originally, gripe water for newborns had alcohol in it (a tiny amount); today most countries which produce it have eliminated it entirely from the formula.
Side Effects of Gripe Water?
As long as you choose not only a homeopathic gripe water, but one that has been approved by the Homeopathic Pharmacopoeia of the United States (HPUS) & is approved by FDA as well, then you and your baby should do fine. There is a dosage that must be adhered to. You may give 2.5 ml of gripe water mixed with 20 ml of expressed breast milk, prior to bathtime, or even with 20 ml water. To see more on recommended doses, visit Circle of Moms
So, you may be wondering how gripe water for newborns is commonly used?
There are many gripe water for newborns on the market today. One can find gripe water in many pharmacies and drug stores. However, in the United States, the gripe water for newborns did not get okayed by Food and Drug Administration (FDA). The reason behind the disapproval was the quantity of alcohol and sodium bicarbonate found in some of the imported gripe water remedies. Because there are various quantities of the ingredients allowed in different countries, some gripe water for newborns cures were disqualified by the US standards. Still, you can often find them over the internet, and in some specialty shops as well. Just be sure that there’s no alcohol among the components of gripe water for newborns. Then it’s safe to use it.
As there are various gripe water producers, there can be a variation in the usage as well. Most notably, the gripe water for newborns is suggested to be given to a baby during the feeding, or after. Yet some mothers swear that gripe water for newborns helps the most when given before each feeding. Be sure to read the labels, very carefully and do as instructed.
The dosage has to be written on the tag, or guidelines. The dosage of gripe water for newborns depends on the babies age, but normally 2.5ml -10ml is enough to help reduce the pain sensation. And most are not advised to be offered before your baby is one month old.
But after trying a a couple of treatments, this is the one that finally worked well! It had been messy, however a mother who’s coping with a baby colic, is not going to care a lot about stains. We have recommended this product to parents and we keep some on hand for when our children have upset stomachs, etc. Yes, it is more costly than other ways to help, but it really works.
We would certainly suggest that you speak to your doctor before giving gripe water for newborns or any kind of other cures to your little one. This really is to avoid the undesirable problems if, for example, baby has got an allergy to some of the gripe water ingredients.
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