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       7 Habits of Healthy Kids

At this time I have a fascinating video to share with parents – it’s the  7 Habits of Happy Kids by Sean Covey.

This video is with regard to the book authored by the son of Steven Covey (famous in his own right), and it can help yr kids to have more constructive habits – which will lay a foundation, and help them to be happier in the long run


NEXT :  Homeschooling Options:         Homeschooling-kids

http://healthykids info-just-for-u com/homeschooling/homeschooling-for-your-convenience/

Home schooling is a great option for parents that don’t have Big Money for private schooling.  It is in fact a rapidly rising trend these days.  Presently there are about two million individuals involved in Home Schooling.  To read more visit our Homeschooling Section


NEXT :                                                                         Homeschooling-Trip

healthykids + Homeschooling Field Trips

Homeschooling a Preschooler – We have a specific post regarding Homeschooling a Preschooler, and Field Trip ideas that you can come up with, which will be rewarding for you & your youngster.  Field trips can be fun not only for the child – but for you the Parent – imagine that !

And if you put a bit of thought into it ahead of time, I bet you can come up with a List of thought-provoking questions which you can begin discussing (in the car) right after your trip to the museum, art center, theater or whatever ..   These kind of trips can really be inspirational, and can definitely trigger your child’s thought processes.



Healthy Kids Family: Autism

healthykids + healthy EATING GUIDES

Greetings healthy eaters..  Here is a listing of all my Healthy Eating Guide articles, such as Healthy Eating for Students , Healthy Eating Guide: Cooking with Oils, Healthy Eating on the Go, Healthy Eating Guide for Vegetarians, and “Quick Facts on Potatoes” .


NEXT :              baby-sleep

healthykids + baby cries

BABY Monitors: While it is good to use a baby monitor, you don’t want to tune in too much.   You probably want to give your infant a chance to settle down by himself & go back to SLEEP, once you’ve made sure that illness is not an issue…


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