In the News Recently: Measles Outbreak Spreading?

There is a trend in the U.S. and U.K. recently. A disturbing rise in cases of Measles. Could it possibly be a measles outbreak?

In both the U.K. & U.S., there are nearly as many cases in the first quarter of 2011 as there were in all of 2010.

A debate among parents over providing the Measles Vaccine to their kids.  During January 1 to May 20, 2011, a total of 118 cases were reported from 23 states.  Here are videos and news stories:

First, from Fox News:  All age groups who’ve not been immunized at risk

Second Video:

In Utah, 368 kids are pulled from school:

Keep Your Kids Healthy and Happy

Watch VIDEO Here:    Epidemic HAZARD

*Note: You’ll  need Adobe Flash player to view (YouTube video)

In the News: Brendan O’Connor, father of 3 sons, warns parents to protect their kids against this Measles Outbreak.  This father from London states that the disease “flattened” his sons..

Here’s the exclusive:   Brendan O’Connor Measles Story

Small outbreaks have occurred at school settings and universities in Europe – By mid-April the WHO reports that there are now 6,500 cases of Measles, with France being hit the worst.

See the full article here. Those immunized with just 1 dose may want to get that 2nd dose.

Parents are somewhat concerned that the Measles vaccine can lead to Autism; but “large studies of thousands of children have found no connection between this vaccine and autism.” – Excerpt from Huffington Post Story


Current Percentage of Kids Vaccinated Across the Globe: From

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